I've missed you guys. It's good to be back. October was a trying month. The first day started with computer woes and an awful eye infection, the result of a ruptured blood vessel. For three weeks, I hid myself for fear someone would think I had decked out in early Halloween get-up. "The Red-Eyed monster from Boogie Man Swamp. Grrrrrrr!"
My computer crashed on the same day, and was in and out of the shop until November. That's okay. God knew what he was doing. How much could I have accomplished anyway with a swollen, burning eye, covered in a murky film?
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I thank God I still live in a free country. I thank Him for my family. They are well. For healing my eye, answered prayer. For sending me friends like you. For His peace in trials. But most of all that He loved us earthlings enough to give up His only child, (His Son, Jesus) that we might have a choice where we would spend eternity. And what a place! Pearly gates, mansions, golden streets, the river of life, and all the various fruit on those trees.
"And God will wipe away all their tears..."
Thirty-two years ago October 29th, I nuzzled my newborn son curled up in my arms, and whispered, "God, how did you do it? How could you give up your son to die for our sins?" It wasn't until I laid eyes on my sweet little cherub that it struck me just how much God loved us.
If you haven't already done so, stop and count your blessings. As the song goes, "And it will surprise you what the Lord has done."
Happy Thanksgiving, Blogger buddies!