Hey there, Fellow Authors. Do you ever get discouraged? Feel like you are spinning your wheels in the flurry of blogging, posting loops, promoting, and revising? Well, I can identify and empathize. Is anyone out there besides me, still on dial-up? Raise your hand if you are not ashamed.
"F" My first topic is FRUSTRATION:
For me, dial-up (and knowing I have to deal with it..presently)leaves me frustrated. Only so much you can do besides wait...wait...wait for the page to load. I could jump up and throw a load of laundry in the washer. Or I could wash those dishes soaking in the sink. And I do. But, when I leave the computer, I everything else leaves, too. I might have had the most inspiring, uplifting message to send to a fellow author in an email. But, after the laundry and dirty dishes, it's left my pea brain.
Not only does dial-up frustrate me, it also robs me of writing time. I can scroll through loops and emails, for what seems to be thirty minutes. Only to glance at the clock and see that two hours have passed and that load of clothes is waiting to put in the dryer. Or that pan of cabbage I put on the range has boiled dry and/or wilted. And still I have not written one word on my WIP. Raise your hand again, if you know what I'm talking about.
Lessons are there in every experience, if you just look for them. I have learned to set a timer. Funny how you can set it for one hour and it seems to go off in fifteen minutes. Never have figured that one out.
"P" Now let's talk about PRAYER:
If I'm not careful, the busyness steals my communion with God. He reminded me of this only last week with a one-liner. "Without The Author, The Quill Runs Dry." I grabbed my pen and wrote it down. And I'm adding it to the bottom of my posts and emails. I knew it was not my own personal thought, but a nudge from my Creator to remind me to spend more quiet time with Him--not just a fleeting five minutes in His Word and in prayer. Then He could orchestrate my life and make it flow more smoothly. "Thank you, Lord. I needed that. Without your inspiration, I have nothing to share with others."
This has been a strange week. I had two book signings scheduled. Though neither brought in the sales I had hoped, God sent certain people in my path that may open doors of opportunity.
The first person I met Thursday night at a Gospel singing at church. I was soooo tired that I almost didn't go. But I am glad I did. The wife of one of the singers has connections with Harvest House. She also handles promos for singers in the Nashville area. We talked at length outide the church. I traded a copy of "Journey To Forgiveness" for one of her hubby's CDs. He didn't look too happy about our arrangement, but, oh well.
The following evening, Friday, I was scheduled, along with several other local authors to set up at a local elementary school. The idea was to get the children interested in reading. Though most youngsters eemed more interested in the cotton candy and balloons set up in another area, I met a young woman (over pizza in the cafeteria) who works like a talent scout, with several major publishing companies. She gave me the name of a literary agent to contact. By now I am wondering, "What is God up to?"
Then Saturday morning arrived, stormy, dreary. What a day for a book signing! I dropped my box of books onto the back seat and drove the 20 miles, praying for the sun to break through. It was 9 a.m. The signing was from 9:30 - 11:30.
The library worker opened the door, glanced up at the sky and groaned, "Doesn't look too good for you today, with the stormy weather. Hopefully, a few will come out."
I responded with, "Don't talk like that. I am praying for the sun to come out." It did. After 11:a.m. A few people drifted into the room where I had splayed several copies of Journey To Forgiveness and a promo sheet on a round table. But only after I ran out of the room to announce coffee cake, punch, and cookies. Most ate their fill, thanked me, and left. I had coerced the library worker into setting up a laptop so I could pull drifters over (after they filled their plates), to view my book trailer. Hee-hee! Whatever works. They all loved it! By the way, it's on this very blog. Just scroll down...
Unbeknowst to me, one lady worked with the local radio station. After viewing the trailer, she purchased a book. Yesterday she emailed to say she had already finished reading it, called it "refreshing" and wants to set up a radio interview. Woo-hoo!
What is that saying, "Do not despise small beginnnings. The mighty oak was once an acorn." I know that isn't the exact quote, but it's close.
I don't know what God is up to, but whatever it is I feel that He is in it. And I will trust Him to follow through and to guide me.
I wrote all this to say, "Don't give up your dreams, no matter how bleak it looks. I agree with Marianne. If God is in it and you are in Him, He will make it come to pass." Then just hang on for the ride!
"...He which hath begun a good work in thee will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." KJV Phillipians 1:6
Great post Laurean.
You are still on dial up? God bless you, you poor thing!
I think I've shared this story before, but at one time I was really driven by the thought of signing with a "big name" inspirational romance publisher. Then, I found out one of the members of my critique group is not a Christian. And she loves my inspy romance writing. When she shared with me that she's an atheist, I had a revelation. Even if my work never got published at all, my words were still doing God's work - spreading his message to those who were reading it (in this case, my crit partners).
God has given us the gift of writing. It is our job to write - and He will do with it what He desires. And He has different plans for everyone. I have let go of trying to control what happens. Right now I'm with a smaller publishing house (White Rose -woo hoo!) and I honestly couldn't be happier. God has made it more than clear to me I am exactly where He wants me. And I'll stay put until He decides to move me. Since I've surrendered control of my writing over to Him, I've been blessed beyond measure.
Keep following your dreams Laurean. Do your signings and promotions and most of all, write what He puts on your heart. God is faithful and will put your efforts in just the right hands.
Blessings, Teri
Thanks Teri,
Your "food for thought" was already inside me, but you have just confirmed and enforced it with "God is faithful and will put your efforts in just the right hands."
Laurie, these things are exciting!! And wonderful! Fantastic! I wish the very bestest ever!!
And yes, I know all too well the frustration of dial-up...groan...how can any phone company still offer that these days???
Great news Laurie. I wish you much success. Good things come to those who wait. Like Teri, I think God will place us where He wants us to inspire hope through our writing. And yes, I agree. There is never enough time in a day to do what we want to do. Write...write...write...
Great blog, Laurean! - and I agree - if it is of God and it is in you, then it will come to pass. Hanging on for the ride is the key to the ultimate outcome. :-) Thanks for the reminder. I responded to your comment on my blog about how amazing the "timing" aspects of your life have been lately - AMAZING. It's definitely a "God" thing.
I loved your post. Tomorrow our writer's group is meeting and I'm going to share it with them. I think a lot of us needed to hear what you had to say.
Thanks JoAnn!
I'm thrilled that this is going to be part of a writer's group discussion. Take notes. I'd like to know what everyone says. Maybe some things they say will help me. Pleasecome back and post their here.
Thanks, Miss Mae.
Now...if I only had something to present to an agent. Got to stick my nose to the grindstone, instead of slapping my head against the monitor, hoping it will bring the page up faster. LOL
Hi Sharon, I knew I'd see you here. Thank you for the encouragement and a figurative boot in the rear end. Seriously, I must schedule in time to write.
These contacts, and the one with Sharon's boot are just what I needed.
Marianne, it was your blog that got me to thinking about all of this. We need to be ready when opportunity knocks. He may not pass our way again in the same way.
Never..never...never...never give up!
Great post! So true that God works in mysterious ways and His ways are not our own. Hard to follow sometimes, but learning to submit to His all knowing presence in our lives is not only a leap in faith, but the only way to find all that He has for us.
Thank you for the words of inspiration...and frustration...LOL
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