Monday, May 11, 2009

Contest Questions to win free downloads. Today only!

Sharon and I will each give away one free download of our latest book. You will be sent on a short search, but that will make it all the more fun. Later this afternoon, Sharon will throw her correct answers in a hat and draw out one lucky winner of "Lasting Love." I will do likewise with my download of "Journey To Forgiveness."

Here is Sharon's question and a clue? Sharon asks.........
Which blog gave "Lasting Love" the "book of the month" award? You can find the answer on my website, Then com back and post the correct answer on this blog. Laurean's Lore http://laureanslore.blogspot."

Laurean says...complete this sentence. "Jenny's personal convictions would never allow a relationship where ___? is blatantly missing." Directions:

Part 1. Go to White Rose, and look under "Browse our catalog." Click on "Historical" and read the synopsis for "Journey To Forgiveness".

Part 2. Type "Amazon Books" in Google search. When you reach the site, type "Laurean Brooks" in the right side of the search. Click on reviews.

Here's the question: Which reviewer wrote, "My favorite line in the book was when Jenny thought, 'Two words could describe a romantic involvement. Ultimate insanity.'"

Come back to Laurean's Lore and post your answers and comments. Then I will also toss the correct answers in a hat and pull out the lucky winner.

Drawings will be held later this afternoon. I will get with Sharon and we will post the time. Keep checking in. And don't forget to view my "Journey To Forgiveness" trailer! Just up! Right here on this blog. Tell me what you think of that closeup of Austin. Women everywhere are fighting over my hero. "Cool it, ladies! You will have to wait in line. He's already been ordered twice." LOL


Anonymous said...

For Sharon's contest...Find a Great Romance. :)

Anonymous said...

for Laurie's contest..."trust" is the word and Val, last nerve, is the reviewer.

Rebecca J Vickery said...

Great interview.

For Sharon's Contest the answer is:
Find A Great Romance at

Rebecca J Vickery said...

Hi Laurean, I am now following your blog from mine.

Question 1: trust
Question 2: Val was the reviewer.

Thanks for the invite to enter.

Sarah Coiner said...

Sharon's contest : find a great romance

Laurean Brooks said...

Rebecca, I saw where you were following my blog, this morning. Thanks for participating. Rebecca. Keep those fingers crossed.

The drawing will be at 7 Eastern time.

Martha Eskuchen said...

For Sharon's Q: Find a Great Romance -


Martha Eskuchen said...

Sweet contest by the way! Thanks.

Laurean's Qs:

Jenny needs "trust"

Lastnerv was the reviewer at

Sharon Donovan said...

Hi Miss Mae, Rebecca, Sarah and Martha. Good answers! Keep those fingers crossed. The winner will be announced in less than one hour. Stay tuned!

Cheryl Pierson said...

For Laurie's contest:
"trust" is the word
Val is the reviewer
WHOO-HOO!!! I'm entered!!!

Cheryl Pierson said...

For Sharon's contest:
Find a great romance.

Unknown said...

For Laurean's contest: Where "trust" is missing.

Lastnerve from "You Gotta Read" was the reviewer.

Unknown said...

For Sharon's contest: Find a Great Romance..


Anonymous said...

Laurie, be sure not to enter me in your contest. :)

Sharon Donovan said...

Hi Cheryl and Bess. You are both entered! Good luck!

Pamela S Thibodeaux said...

Wonderful interview and great contest!

I have your book, Laurie but I'd love to win Lasting Love.

The answer, Sharon is Find a Great Romance


Larry Hammersley said...

Answer to Sharon's question is
Answer to Laurie's questions are the word "trust" and the reviewer is lastnerve or Val. Hope I'm not too late. Larry

Marianne Evans said...

Great traier - very evocative of the period and the mood of your book!! Great job - and good luck!!!


Sharon Donovan said...

You're in forboth Larry! Good luck!

Sharon Donovan said...

Thanks Pam. You're in for Lasting Love. Good luck!